Expert tips: Fruits and vegetables to consume to slow down ageing process

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Stress is a part of our daily life. No matter what profession we are in, we are dealing with stress on a daily basis. Stress helps in accelerating the ageing process and making us prone to other diseases. Other than stress, chemicals that are used in the foot items that we consume every day, mainly the packaged food items, also affect our health adversely and make us prone to ageing. Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee addressed the issue of ageing a day back on her Instagram profile and wrote, “We are facing the greatest environmental assault in the history of mankind. Disease & ageing is inevitable – unless you choose your food wisely. Nothing keeps your cells young, vibrant, and disease-free like eating fresh fruits & vegetables. They have a major antiaging impact on our overall health.”

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She also wrote that the plant kingdom is abundant with polyphenol-rich anti-aging options that can suit the plate in a tasty and healthy way. She noted down six fruits and vegetables which can slow down the ageing process and make us look younger. Take a look:

Cabbage: Cabbage, being a cruciferous vegetable, is rich in Indole-3-carbinol which helps in correcting estrogen dominance in the body and consists of anti-ageing abilities.

Carrots: These veggies are a powerhouse of nutrients. Carrots help in lowering cholesterol and boosting immunity. This further helps in cutting down the risk of cancer.

Grapes: Grapes are loaded with powerful antioxidants which help in fighting free radical damage to the cells of the body.

Onions: Onions, like garlic, contain powerful anti-ageing abilities. They are also rich in quercetin which helps in anti-inflammation. They also help in thinning the blood and raising good cholesterol.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene – a powerful antioxidant – which helps in protecting brain health and has anti-cancer and anti-ageing properties.

Spinach: Spinach contains lutein which has anti-ageing properties and helps in improving eye health. Spinach also contains folic acid which helps in DNA repair. This further helps in slowing down the ageing process.

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5 thoughts on “Expert tips: Fruits and vegetables to consume to slow down ageing process

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