The first pictures from the wedding day of filmmaker Luv Ranjan and Alisha Vaid emerged on Monday. Taking to Instagram, Luv’s film production company Luv Films shared several photos from the occasion. In the pictures, the couple is seen looking into each other’s eyes and holding hands as they posed for the camera. For their wedding ceremony, Luv wore a white and beige sherwani with a matching turban and a pearl neckpiece. Alisha was dressed in a red and golden lehenga with a matching dupatta. She also accessorised with traditional jewellery. (Also Read | Luv Ranjan wedding: Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Rakul Preet deck up in all-white outfits. See pics)
In the first picture, Luv Ranjan and Alisha Vaid were seen smiling as they looked at each other and were showered with rose petals. In the next photo, Alisha was seen getting down some stairs, helped by her friends. Luv lovingly looked at Alisha in the next photo.
He held her hand as they laughed standing in front of each other. In one of the pictures, the newlyweds were seen wearing garlands around their necks. Sharing the pictures, Luv Films captioned the post, “As Alisha and Luv begin their new journey together, we seek your blessings and love.”
Reacting to the post, Sunny Singh, Varun Sharma and Manjot️ Singh dropped red heart emojis. Patralekhaa wrote, “Awwwww!! You two.”
Luv Ranjan tied the knot with Alisha Vaid in Agra on February 20. The wedding ceremony was attended by several celebrities including Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Varun Sharma, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani among others.
Several pictures had emerged, on the internet, of the guests dressed up for the occasion. It seemed like white was the theme of the wedding as actors were spotted in white-coloured ethnic outfits. In one of the images, Ranbir and Shraddha were seen heading to the wedding venue.
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