World No-Tobacco Day 2022: Tobacco use by smoking or smokeless ways risks heart disease. Here’s how to quit

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World No-Tobacco Day 2022: Tobacco is a major risk factor for heart disease along with people who do not smoke cigarette but who are regularly exposed to second hand smoke. Here’s how to quit smoking and tobacco use or encourage those around you for better health

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi

In 1987, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA40.38, calling for April 7, 1988, to be “a world no-smoking day” and in 1988, Resolution WHA42.19 was passed, calling for the celebration of World No-Tobacco Day, every year on May 31. This yearly celebration aims to raise awareness amid the global citizens about not only the dangers of using tobacco but also the business practices of tobacco companies, what WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist at Mumbai’s Asian Heart Institute, revealed, “Tobacco use by smoking or smokeless methods is very much prevalent in India. The overall prevalence is 29% in age 15 and above. The prevalence in men is 42% and in women is 14%. Every third adult in rural area and every fifth adult in urban area use tobacco currently as per recent data. The overall prevalence of smoking in adult is 11%. The prevalence of smoking in men is 19% and in women is 2%. Almost 33% smokers have been found to have started smoking when they were younger than 18 years.”

Asserting that tobacco is a major risk factor for heart disease, Dr Dora explained, “There are more than 7000 toxin chemicals present in smoke which enter body in a person who smokes. These toxic chemicals help building cholesterol plaques in the heart arteries leading to angina. Rupture of these plaques can lead to heart attack. 9.5% all deaths are related to use of tobacco and 48% of tobacco related deaths are attributed to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease in younger people are more likely to be caused by tobacco use.”

He cautioned, “People who do not smoke cigarette but who are regularly exposed to second hand smoke have a 25 to 30% increased risk of coronary artery disease than those not exposed. Second hand smoke also increases risk of heart attack and stroke.”

Asserting how quitting smoking has significant health benefits, he shared, “In 1 year of quitting smoking the risk of heart attack drops to half of that of a smoker and in 15 years it is same as that of a nonsmoker. Similarly the risk of stroke reduces to same level as that of a nonsmoker after 5 years of quitting smoking. The risk of cancer siginificantly decreases with each passing year after quitting smoking.”

Dr Dora advised, “Quitting smoking is a not easy job but with determination it is definitely possible. Many times it may need professional help and counselling services. Nicotine replacement therapy like nicotine gum, nicotine patch are helpful in quitting tobacco by decreasing cravings and symptoms of withdrawal.”


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