Sanah Kapur has shared the first pictures from her wedding with Mayank Pahwa. The actor, who is the daughter of actor-couple Pankaj Kapur and Supriya Pathak, tied the knot with actor and assistant director Mayank Pahwa, son of actors Manoj Pahwa and Seema Pahwa. The wedding was held in Mahabaleshwar on Wednesday, March 2. Their families joined the couple for the occasion and several pictures from the pre-wedding festivities were also shared on social media earlier in the day. Also Read: Shahid, Mira shower love on Sanah at her wedding, Misha and Zain pose for pics
Sanah Kapoor took to her Instagram account on Wednesday night to share pictures from her day wedding. The bride wore a pastel blue lehenga that she paired with a matching dupatta and an orange-red blouse, while the groom wore a patterned black kurta and jacket. Sanah captioned the post with a simple heart emoji.
The first picture showed them looking at each other with smiles on their faces, while the second one showed them standing under a gazebo as Mayank leaned in to kiss Sanah. The couple received several congratulatory messages on the post, including one from the bride’s sister-in-law Mira Rajput, who commented, “Congratulations,” adding several red hearts emoji.
Mira also shared a few pictures from the wedding on her Instagram account. She shared a picture of herself and her husband Shahid Kapoor all dressed up for the wedding, and captioned it with a heart. Shahid wore a black kurta and jacket with white pajamas for the wedding, while Mira wore an ivory lehenga-styled saree.
She also shared pictures of their outfits on Instagram Stories. Posting a close-up picture of Shahid’s jacket, Mira wrote, “details I love.” She also shared a picture of herself posing on the stairs in her dress while her son Zain photobombed her with his toy. “Mama see my car,” she wrote. She also posted a picture of her henna-clad hands.
One of the pictures shared by Mira showed a napkin carrying a sticker of the bride and groom’s names. Another photograph showed Sanah and Mayank standing under the gazebo for their wedding.
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