Did you know insomnia impacts heart health? Here’s how you can tackle it

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Doctor spills the beans on how we can tackle the problems of the sleep cycle and as a result decrease the risk of heart diseases

Updated On Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST 12 Photos

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Various researches show that 10-30% of the population worldwide suffers from insomnia which is also linked to increased risk of heart disease. Insomnia or poor sleep cycle can not only impact behavioural alertness and attention, but also logical reasoning, problems to perform simple tasks, accidents and poor judgment and when it gets chronic, it can even lead to cardiovascular morbidity. (Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash)

Various researches show that 10-30% of the population worldwide suffers from insomnia which is also linked to increased risk of heart disease. Insomnia or poor sleep cycle can not only impact behavioural alertness and attention, but also logical reasoning, problems to perform simple tasks, accidents and poor judgment and when it gets chronic, it can even lead to cardiovascular morbidity. (Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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The Biobank prospective cohort study in the UK analysed 500,000 adults of age 40 to 69 having sleep disorder. It showed persons with low sleep duration with less than 5 hours or high sleep duration with more than 9 hours have higher incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Other studies have also proved that fragmented and obstructive sleep is linked to high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes which can raise the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.  (Pixabay)

The Biobank prospective cohort study in the UK analysed 500,000 adults of age 40 to 69 having sleep disorder. It showed persons with low sleep duration with less than 5 hours or high sleep duration with more than 9 hours have higher incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Other studies have also proved that fragmented and obstructive sleep is linked to high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes which can raise the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.  (Pixabay)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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In an interview with Zarafshan Shiraz, Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist at Mumbai's Asian Heart Institute shared, “Elevated blood levels of inflammatory cytokines are found in persons with sleep deprivation and are thought to cause cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Over time continuous problems of sleep deprivation can lead to unhealthy habits which can result in higher stress levels, low energy, less physical activity and unhealthy food choices all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.”(Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash)

In an interview with Zarafshan Shiraz, Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist at Mumbai’s Asian Heart Institute shared, “Elevated blood levels of inflammatory cytokines are found in persons with sleep deprivation and are thought to cause cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Over time continuous problems of sleep deprivation can lead to unhealthy habits which can result in higher stress levels, low energy, less physical activity and unhealthy food choices all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.”(Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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To avoid that, healthy sleeping habits which can lead to 7-9 hours of sound sleep are a must for a healthy heart. Dr Santosh Kumar Dora listed ways on how we can tackle the problems of the sleep cycle and as a result decrease the risk of heart diseases. (Pixabay)

To avoid that, healthy sleeping habits which can lead to 7-9 hours of sound sleep are a must for a healthy heart. Dr Santosh Kumar Dora listed ways on how we can tackle the problems of the sleep cycle and as a result decrease the risk of heart diseases. (Pixabay)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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1. Avoid caffeine- Try not to drink caffeine or carbonated drinks at least 6 hours before sleep. (Unsplash)

1. Avoid caffeine- Try not to drink caffeine or carbonated drinks at least 6 hours before sleep. (Unsplash)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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2. Screen Time- Decrease your screen time at least before bedtime. Avoid having any gadgets around your bed so that it doesn’t affect the quality of sleep. (Getty Images)

2. Screen Time- Decrease your screen time at least before bedtime. Avoid having any gadgets around your bed so that it doesn’t affect the quality of sleep. (Getty Images)

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3. No Smoking and alcohol - Avoid smoking and alcohol in your daily life. (Pexels)

3. No Smoking and alcohol – Avoid smoking and alcohol in your daily life. (Pexels)

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4. Eat healthy- Instead of packaged foods, try consuming healthy food options. Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed.   (Shutterstock)

4. Eat healthy- Instead of packaged foods, try consuming healthy food options. Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed.   (Shutterstock)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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5. Meditate- calm your mind with the help of meditation. This can become your daily morning or evening ritual. (Pexels)

5. Meditate- calm your mind with the help of meditation. This can become your daily morning or evening ritual. (Pexels)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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6. Read Books- If you are not able to sleep after 20 minutes into bed, try to read something that will calm your mind. This will help you get a sound sleep.   (Representative Image/HT File)

6. Read Books- If you are not able to sleep after 20 minutes into bed, try to read something that will calm your mind. This will help you get a sound sleep.   (Representative Image/HT File)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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7. Invest in your bedroom- Try making your bedroom a comfortable space, invest in good quality foam mattresses. (File Photo)

7. Invest in your bedroom- Try making your bedroom a comfortable space, invest in good quality foam mattresses. (File Photo)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST

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8. Visit Doctor- If you have acute sleeping problems then they can be managed by healthy habits but if chronic problems persist, it is important to visit a specialist and take therapy or medications accordingly. Do not self-medicate as that may increase your risk of sleep as well as heart problems. (Twitter/Cancer_Buzz)

8. Visit Doctor- If you have acute sleeping problems then they can be managed by healthy habits but if chronic problems persist, it is important to visit a specialist and take therapy or medications accordingly. Do not self-medicate as that may increase your risk of sleep as well as heart problems. (Twitter/Cancer_Buzz)

Updated on Mar 25, 2022 09:48 PM IST



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