Want to Stay Fit and Active, Listen to What Harsh Vardhan Seth Singh Has to Say.

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The real benefit of exercising isn’t how your clothes fit or how you look in the mirror. It’s how you feel. A study by the University of South Carolina School of Public Health found that the average person feels more energetic, cheerful, and optimistic after working out. That’s because regular exercise releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. For example, after a vigorous workout, you’re less likely to feel angry or depressed. You’re also less likely to overeat and more likely to sleep soundly at night. Harsh Vardhan Seth Singh is here to promote the right way to stay fit and active.

Having trained dozens of people including some Bollywood celebrities and models, Harsh Vardhan is a seasoned trainer behind Unwaveringly Fit, a fitness community that is dedicated towards making people fit and achieve their fitness goals using the right and authenticate fitness strategies. Harsh says that there are a lot of unhealthy practices going on in the fitness industry which has made the notion of fitness flawed. Instead, he believes in making fitness a healthy training ritual that does not only make you look good but helps you stay fit, immune to various diseases and mentally strong.

Certified by REPs, Harsh Vardhan is currently working in Mumbai and has helped many people become fit and healthy. Harsh Vardhan says that It’s way more rewarding to build real strength and vitality than building a jacked body that gives the impression of strength and he helps his clients achieve the same.

“Most people out there, especially the ones with a gym membership and an impossible deadline are so fixated on the results that they’re unable to enjoy the process. They get easily frustrated after less than expected progress within a few weeks, so they jump desperately from one workout plan to another. With anxiety and stress levels mounting due to the current health emergency, it is crucial to address mental, physical and emotional well-being, not only of the self but also of the family. Working from home is also taking a toll on the eyes and the spine, and messing up eating times, leading to dullness and tiredness throughout the day. Training your body on regular basis along with a good diet will help you become fit and overcome all of these hurdles.” Said Harsh Vardhan

Harsh Vardhan believes that one doesn’t need a gym membership to accomplish their fitness goals and getting and staying fit is a long and epic journey, not a six-month stint at the gym. The idea is to prepare the mind and body to conquer real-life situations and challenges, not familiarize them to predictable, isolated movements in a restricted environment. It’s about being better each day.

“I have also been investing good deal of time into Yog and learning it deeply to really understand its nuances, it is really interesting to think how it is one of the most ancient well being practice which is much more than just physical fitness. I am doing 6 months of diploma program in Yog and its impact over our mental and spiritual health in addition to our physical health.” Harsh Vardhan said.

He advised, “Start preparing your body for challenges from early on. Do not fall for the myths like lifting is not for the young folks and it stunts your growth because it does not. One should always focus on their diet and nutrition along with training their body from a young age as it helps one’s body to get used to training and become flexible at a young age.”

Harsh Vardhan has motivated so many people to get out of their comfort zone and train to achieve a fit and healthy body. You can follow Harsh Vardhan on Instagram here: Harsh Vardhan


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