Ruchika marked her own identity in the fashion industry with her hard work n determination.

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The Global beauty pageant Haut Monde Mrs India worldwide recently concluded its season 11 in UAE where Ruchika from new delhi emerged as the winner.The jury members included Mr Bharat Bhramar,Dr Sylvie Rodgers,Amisha Sethi, Preeti Gautam,Manjari Priya Gupta,Liza Verma,Nishant Goel,Ronny Kaula,Seitu Kumr. This pageant took place on in Hilton garden inn RAK n witnessed 110 contestants from all over the world.

RuchikA Malhotra is a fashion designer,social media influencer n a model who truly enjoyed this incredible journey.she believes that this platform has truly transformed her life n has brought her really close to her dreams.She has expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the entire team of Haut Monde for believing in her & choosing her as their queen for 2022.

Ruchika Mahajan

She also expressed her gratitude for her family who has been her support system throughout this beautiful journey.

She would like to congratulate her fellow contestants as she feels each woman possess unique skills & is beautiful in her own ways..She really enjoyed the grooming sessions during the orientation n finale for which she further stated that they helped her a lot in becoming the best version of herself.She wants to exude her heartfelt gratitude to the man behind the show Mr Bharat Bhramar who has created this amazing platform that is a perfect example of women empowering women.

Her success mantra is “Hardwork,dedication n consistency is all you need to be successful..Embrace yourself because nobody knows what it takes to be you”


11 thoughts on “Ruchika marked her own identity in the fashion industry with her hard work n determination.

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