Meet kshitij saraswat – one of the youngest successful trader of India

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Kshitij saraswat is a successful day trader and swing trader. Kshitij has quickly made a name for himself as one of the top stock trader and self made earner in India. At only 17-years old, Kshitij saraswat  is a successful day trader and swing trader who continues to scale and evolve his strategy. In our interview, we discuss kshitij saraswat ‘s journey to day trading success, his trading strategies, and lessons he has learned along the way. Currently he is having his own very high portfolio .

Kshitij saraswat ‘s Day Trading Success Story

Kshitij saraswat initially became interested in the stock market 4 years ago at the age of 13. Kshitij was exposed to entrepreneurialism at a young age. His father is a government teacher but his vision to life is very big. As he was getting older he wants to be rich and rich. He did many things starting from freelancer to drop shipping but his search of money ended at being a day trader. He started from one dollar and now it’s counting more and more.

After coming home from school every night, Kshitij would research stocks. He eventually opened a trading account and joined a penny stock chat room. This chat room focused on buying breakouts so, naturally, this became kshitij’s trading style. The only problem was that this strategy wasn’t working. Every time he bought a breakout, the stock would move against him until he, ultimately, blew up his first small account.

Kshitij saraswat joined the blog chat room and started watching traders like Derrick, Eric, and Phil. He would concentrate on WHY they were short selling and send them questions via private message from time to time. He concluded that these successful short sellers were short selling stocks that had no business going up in price. After studying short selling tactics for some time, kshitij placed his first trade.

Kshitij saraswat ‘s first short trade was on the low price stock. He shorted 2000 shares, the stock pulled back 0.50/share and kshitij made a 1000 profit. Needless to say, he was instantly hooked on short selling. He started shorting stocks that were up a lot, but he didn’t have any real trading rules. He realized he needed to start developing better criteria if he wanted to become a more consistent trader. Kshitij saraswat decided to focus on stocks where the underlying company was poorly operated, continuing to add debt, and releasing “fluff” news. This criteria began to shape Ashu’s overall trading strategy at the perfect time.

There were a lot of crazy runners kshitij  had a set of criteria that helped him short sell these stocks for the right reasons at the right times. His selectiveness eventually put him to more compatible trading results. Kshitij learned that patience and selectiveness were key to maximizing profits as a short-biased trader.

His initial all trades were lose by him but his will and not giving up made his work hard and hard more and more and the the end after striking himself for months he finally became a successful trader at this very young age. We wish you very success and bring future ahead for you kshitij. Kudos we need more teens like you, in the age when others were sticking pubg he made his wealth.


4 thoughts on “Meet kshitij saraswat – one of the youngest successful trader of India

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