Aries: Take some time out for yourself today. You are likely to be a bit moodier than usual which can cause some dissatisfaction. Read a book or engage in some spiritual activities that help you build up your focus. Don’t engage in any long conversations with your loved ones, rather converse through messages. This will keep you emotionally stable and relaxed.
Taurus: The stars encourage your love life to flow in a harmonious and gratifying way. It is a good idea to walk down the memory lane with your partner over lunch or dinner and relive past memories of how you both got together. Singles need to take a well-deserved break from their hectic schedule and open up for new romantic possibilities.
Gemini: It is one of those days when you will be lost in your own world. Your mind will be full of thoughts, ideas and fantasies about your life and how you want your ideal partner to be. Make it a point to pen down these thoughts for future reference. Those committed need to have meaningful conversations about their future goals.
Cancer: It can be a low-key day today when compared to how your last few days have been. You may not feel like expressing your romantic feelings or gestures with your partner. A pensive mood will grip you and you may want to reflect on your future together. But let this phase pass and avoid making any judgement as of now.
Leo: Your graceful personality is surely having a positive impact on people around you. Today, you may discover that someone has been quite impressed by you and they may be vocal about it as well. This can signal the beginning of a new connection which, if nurtured well, can flourish into a serious relationship in the near future.
Virgo: It is time you appreciated and acknowledged your good fortune when it comes to love life. You have been lucky to have a partner who truly understands you and supports your decisions. Make this count by expressing your gratitude. Those committed can now implement those home improvements that they have been anxious to start with their partner.
Libra: A pleasant mystery will prevail over your love life today. You will discover some new facets about your partner which will surprise you no end. If already married, it could be your partner’s acknowledgment to start a family. Hear them closely and allow them to express their hidden wants and desires. It could lead to something meaningful.
Scorpio: If you are single then stars indicate a positive change soon. A friend of yours may make you meet their friend who could be interested in you. If you are already committed then you can expect your bonding to grow further. You will feel closer to each other than ever before. It is time to celebrate and relish each other’s company.
Sagittarius: You need to observe your current relationship closely to ensure it is a desirable arrangement. Be cautious of your decisions about your choice of partner and do not fall back to old habits of going with the flow till its too late. Singles should impress their love interest by appealing to their intellectual zeal. Try gifting a book.
Capricorn: You will be filled with exuberance today. You will meet up with friends and enjoy a social event together. Even though you may not be seeking anyone, but you may have a moment of casual flirt with someone attractive. Those committed should spend time with their children and look to become better parents by sharing each other’s workload.
Aquarius: There seem to be cracks appearing in your existing relationship. But the good news is that they aren’t too deep yet. Timely action can help get rid of them and cement your bond. Leave everything aside and talk it out with each other. Avoid any miscommunication and stay transparent with each other. There will be harmony shortly.
Pisces: Those of you who are single can bump into an old acquaintance which can re-ignite feelings for each other. Maybe in the past, you weren’t prepared to take it forward, but now you have the time to explore this further. Take baby steps and get to know each other. Those committed need to relax a bit and avoid passing on their professional stress to their family life.
*Predictions are based on Moon sign
Neeraj Dhankher
(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)
Email: <i>info@astrozindagi.in</i>, <i>neeraj@astrozindagi.in</i>
Url: <i>www.astrozindagi.in</i>
Contact: Noida: +919910094779
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