On Thursday, actor Adah Sharma was trolled after her latest social media post fell foul with certain users. Adah had shared a collage of herself and Bappi Lahiri on Facebook, in which she compared her accessorising to that of the singer-composer’s. Given that Bappi died recently, many criticised her, calling the post tone deaf, insensitive and disrespectful. The actor has now responded to the criticism, admitting that the post was indeed ‘ill-timed’. The post has also been deleted. (Also read: Adah Sharma criticised for ‘who wore it better’ post featuring Bappi Lahiri: ‘This is so disrespectful’)
In an interaction, Adah clarified that the Facebook entry was not something that she or her team created after Bappi’s death and had actually been shared on another platform earlier. “The post was originally posted on my Instagram two years ago on 28 March 2020,” she told The Times of India.
Speaking about why she chose to upload the same on Facebook days after Bappi’s death, the actor said, “The Bappi Da post that was uploaded on my Facebook page yesterday (February 24) had been scheduled for posting by us a month in advance. Unfortunately, we lost Bappi Da last week, making the scheduled post ill-timed.”
The post in question was a collage. On the left was a picture of Bappi Lahiri wearing his trademark gold jewellery and on the right was an image of Adah wearing multiple gold rings and chains. “Who wore it better?” her caption read.
The post got huge backlash online, with many finding it to be ‘in very bad taste’. “Don’t compare yourself with a legend just for 5 seconds of fame,” a Facebook user said. “This is so disrespectful,” another wrote. “Comparing for fun is different, but just after someone’s demise? Sorry, but I thought only your movies were trash, looks like you have an even trashier upbringing and person,” one comment read. The post was deleted sometime on Friday.
Composer Bappi, who popularised disco music in Bollywood , died on February 15 at a Mumbai hospital. He was cremated at the Pawan Hans Crematorium after his son Bappa Lahiri flew to Mumbai from Los Angeles.
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