What happens at 50 degrees: Do’s and don’ts to follow

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Summer heat is rising to its peak this year. Parts of Delhi experienced 49 degrees and a heat-wave warning has been issued. A lot of other states are sizzling as well. With the rising heat, the risk of heat stroke also increases. Speaking to HT Lifestyle, Sumol Ratna, MD, Medicine and Assistant Professor, Noida International institute of medical sciences gave us an overview of what 50 degrees look like and what it can cause to us and the environment around us – “The changing climate will alter the terrain around humans, causing damage to vegetation and crops owing to the unpredictable heat. Forest fires will become more regular, increasing air pollution. While human body may be able to withstand extreme weather, extreme temperatures will surely put your body under stress. This is why we frequently see people suffering from high fevers, intestinal and blood pressure problems, which can lead to death. Extreme heat causes the body to struggle to cool down, which can result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or even heatstroke (also known as sunstroke).”

ALSO READ: Gururgam records highest maximum temperature since Haryana was formed

As the risk of heat stroke is accelerating with the rising temperature, these symptoms should be taken seriously in order to get checked in time – throbbing headaches, dizziness, and light-headedness, a lack of sweating, cool, pale, clammy skin, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea, and vomiting, a rapid heartbeat that can be strong or weak, rapid, shallow breathing, and behavioral changes such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering, as well as unconsciousness.

Sumol Ratna further recommended the do’s and don’ts that should be followed in order to keep ourselves healthy and fit this summer. They are as follows:


Drink plenty of water, even when you are not thirsty.

More home cooked meals than outside food.

Plenty of liquids such as Oral Rehydration Solution, lassi, lemon water, buttermilk should be consumed throughout the day.

Summer fruits such as watermelon, muskmelon, and cucumber should be consumed.

Always carry a bottle of water with you.

Dress light, and take bath twice a day to keep the body cool.


Avoid cooking in peak hours. Properly ventilate the kitchen by opening the doors and windows.

Avoid consuming food items with high protein content.

Avoid junk food, carbonated beverages and leftovers.

Avoid drinking water from roadside vendors.

Avoid synthetic clothes and directly standing under the sun.

Pranayama can be a healthy fitness routine during the rising heat. Speaking to HT Lifestyle, Yoga Expert Akshar said, “Breathing exercises can allow your body to combat the outside temperature. These are natural coolants for your internal system. The heat can make you more irritable and easily anger and these are natural yogic techniques to maintain a calm state of mind.”

Akshar recommended Sitali Pranayama and Sitkali Pranayama to keep the body cool and combat the outside temperature. He further added that during the summer, it is okay to stick to light exercises and give adequate rest to the body. “Do not over exert yourself and while practicing ensure that you are sufficiently hydrated,” he added.

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