Aamna Sharif slays yet another summer look in a co-ord set

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  • Aamna’s pink cropped top featured slip-in details and full sleeves having frills. The top also featured a gathered-up detail near to the waist, leading to frills. In golden hoop earrings, Aamna looked beautiful.

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST 6 Photos

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Aamna Sharif is in a spree of sharing her summer looks on her Instagram profile. Be it a casual look in denims or decking up for a weekend party in a stylist top and a pair of shorts, Aamna is gearing up for summer in the most fashionable way possible. A day back, Aamna shared yet another set of pictures of herself taking on the day in a summer attire and it is making fashion lovers scurry to take notes.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna Sharif is in a spree of sharing her summer looks on her Instagram profile. Be it a casual look in denims or decking up for a weekend party in a stylist top and a pair of shorts, Aamna is gearing up for summer in the most fashionable way possible. A day back, Aamna shared yet another set of pictures of herself taking on the day in a summer attire and it is making fashion lovers scurry to take notes.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST

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Aamna paired a bright pink top with a short denim skirt as she posed for the pictures.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna paired a bright pink top with a short denim skirt as she posed for the pictures.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST

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Aamna’s pink cropped top featured slip-in details and full sleeves having frills. The top also featured a gathered-up detail near to the waist, leading to frills. In golden hoop earrings, Aamna looked beautiful.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna’s pink cropped top featured slip-in details and full sleeves having frills. The top also featured a gathered-up detail near to the waist, leading to frills. In golden hoop earrings, Aamna looked beautiful.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST

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Aamna wore her tresses open in wavy curls and decked up in nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara-laden eyelashes, contoured cheeks and a shad of soft pink lipstick.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna wore her tresses open in wavy curls and decked up in nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara-laden eyelashes, contoured cheeks and a shad of soft pink lipstick.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST

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Aamna’s go-to fashion for this summer seems to be denims. A few days back, Aamna made us drool in a cropped top and a pair of distressed denims.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna’s go-to fashion for this summer seems to be denims. A few days back, Aamna made us drool in a cropped top and a pair of distressed denims.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST

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Aamna’s top featured a gathered-up detail. She accessorised her look with tinted shades as she posed for sunkissed pictures.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Aamna’s top featured a gathered-up detail. She accessorised her look with tinted shades as she posed for sunkissed pictures.(Instagram/@aamnasharifofficial)

Published on Apr 17, 2022 12:31 PM IST



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9 thoughts on “Aamna Sharif slays yet another summer look in a co-ord set

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